Sunday, June 16, 2013

Look out Michael Phelps

Yesterday I put on a wetsuit, walked into Lake Padden and than half swam, half flailed my way out to the center of the lake.  It wasn't as scary as I though, but I didn't float quite as well as I imagined I might with the help of my superhero wetsuit costume.  I have never really had any reason to swim, or any motivation to, so as you can imagine, I'm not very good.  The whole breathing rhythm?  Not so much.  Let me just keep my head up.  But strangely enough it was kind of fun.  I sort of enjoyed it.  And I almost feel like I did a little work yesterday despite having to stop frequently.  And my legs feel a little sore and I think it might be from my Kerry Gustafson exercises that I started up again, but maybe some of that leg flailing that I tried to pass off as swimming is partially to blame.  Anyway, I might do it again one of these days.  BUT, I have no plans to do a triathlon.  At least not this year, because guess what?  I still can't run.  Hence my whole motivation to jump in a lake.

But, if I was able to run, and still decided to attempt swimming, I would THINK about doing a short MTB Tri somewhere with the sweet new bike I just ordered.  Retail therapy can be great, but buyers remorse can be a bummer.  Retail therapy is winning this one.  And I can ride a little easier than run without destroying my right lower half of my body.  So that's why I deserve a new bike, with suspension.  It's awesome.  And no, I'm not posting a picture until after I get it.  And then it will be an epic action shot with me catching mad air somewhere on Cheech and Chong. (also never happening, on purpose at least)

Otherwise, I've been keeping busy doing my thing at Klicks and having a blast.  Playing with the kitties. Hanging out in some cool spots.  Going to Sounders games, and recruiting squirrels for my mini animal circus.  See below:

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