Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Say that again, I have to actually train this summer?

First off, I'm sorry I lied to my 9 followers.  I didn't get a blog out by the end of the week.  I'm sorry to have ruined your weekends.  I was depressed and mourning the loss of the Celtics and the end of an era.  That's all I'm going to say about that.

So, unlike every summer since I've moved out here, I have a full summer of training, and a full fall of racing planned.  And it's not because I was smart enough to avoid Ski to Sea this year.  I still did that, it just didn't wreck me like previous years.  I'd like to think it's because I trained well for it (I really didn't), I've been doing my extra strength/core work (I haven't), I'm just a badass (not so much).  But mostly I think one little visit post race to Noble Chiropractic was the biggest help.  I still took a full week off, but my second week back to training?  50 mile feeling good.  It's a miracle.  Thanks Steve.

Since I won't be half crippled for all of June, I figured I better start training for real.  Half marathon PR's on turd training is the exception to the rule, so I won't count on that happening again.  It's summer, the good weather is here, wait, no, it's not here yet.  What?  Fourth of July you say?  Why do I think summer starts in June here?  You think I'd learn.  So the good weather is right around the corner, and I have my head on straight, and I'm ready to go.

Once again I've got Sam Alexander writing up the workouts and the racing schedule.  He even color coded my workout types and used google docs to send me information.  I'll make a tech nerd out of him yet.  But seriously, a great coach.  He's for hire, but don't bother if you're not willing to commit to it.  Training isn't about a good season or a good year.  Its a daily grind, for days, then weeks, then months, then years.  Good things take time.  Running is no different.

This fall's focus is going to be the half marathon.  I've got three on the schedule.  Oregon Wine Country so that I can hopefully win a giant bottle of wine which I will then trade for multiple cases of cheap beer.  Bellingham Bay, because the wind brutalized Jordan Welling last year and his course record is soft.  Then I can hang out at the finish and watch the Bellingham Fit-sters finish their races.  Should be great.  Last is the Rock'N'Roll half in LasVegas.  This started as another excuse to go to Vegas, because I'm still obsessed.  But it's a stacked race.  It's a pretty fast course.  You run the strip...... at night.  And then your in Vegas.  So obviously its a win-win situation.  The only lose part is that I'm running a Rock'N'Roll event.  I'm sure they put on a great race, but they are too damn expensive, crowded, and gimmicky.  Hopefully I don't have to worry about the money part either.  Should be a good field to tow me along to another big PR though.  But I'll tell you this:  If I see people running the race while wearing headphones, I'm going to smack them.

I'll do a handful of other races inbetween too.  WWU XC Invite, Padden Trail Half, The Seawall Race, All Comers 5k, you know, stuff like that.


  1. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I plan on coming back to Bellingham Bay to defend my title and improve my course record. Looking forward to the challenge :)

  2. WOOHOO!! somehow i figured out how to follow your blog. i kid, i kid. i'm more tech nerd that i let on.

    excited for this fall. glad you'll be training seriously in the summer/fall for the first time since you've lived in b'ham. i only wish i were there to train with you...and Gulley (work on him). Vegas will kick so much butt, it will kick ass.

    don't worry about Jordan - he can only race well on the track, but he doesn't know it yet.
